Рюкзак как у Сони в сериале Вы все меня беситеThe heroine of Svetlana Khodchenkova in the series “You are infuriating me all the time”, Sonya, practically does not part with her backpack - her laptop, case for glasses, passport and other necessary things are always with her.

Backpack has become one of the heroes of the series, his share fell quite a few tests. The explosive girl Sonya repeatedly beats with her backpack those who especially enrages her. In the very first minutes of the series, she fights with a backpack from DPS officers. One can only guess how many duplicates this bright scene had. We are very pleased that Svetlana Khodchenkova conducted the ARNY PRAHT backpack hardcore test.

What is this backpack?

Backpack FRESCO! One of the first backpacks in the collection of the brand, functional and concise. Cosmopolitan magazine has included it in the list of the most fashionable backpacks of 2016.

FRESCO has a front pocket with an oblique zipper, another pocket on the back, and a 13 ″ laptop compartment with soft walls inside.

Updated FRESCO can be bought in the online store and retail stores ARNY PRAHT.

Backpack in the color of wine and passion!

Since 2015, when the color of strong Sicilian wine Marsala has become the color of the year, accessories in the colors of noble wines, combining restraint and passion, continue to win the hearts of girls. Bordeaux goes well with classic black, dark blue, shades of red and many other colors.

Backpacks and bags ARNY PRAHT in the color of Bordeaux scatter in the online store and our company stores for a few days.

You can , like Sonya, the heroine of Svetlana Khodchenkova, in the series “All of you are infuriating me,” to our online store.

All backpacks and bags ARNY PRAHT

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