What is the element? Since childhood, each of us knows that this is a phenomenon of nature, unrestrained power. The basis of peace, harmony. Start. Eternal Matter: Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

Aristotle and Plato created their own teachings about the elements, based on the fact that humanity can not exist without material, tangible phenomena. But what if there is a fifth element, ephemeral, without which people's lives are also questioned? Modern philosophers distinguish between equilibrium with earth, water, air and fire. A lot has been invested in this concept, but above all - comfort, awareness, love, stability, without which life is like survival in the wild.

About this is our addition to the summer collection “about harmony with oneself”. We present 4 models of "comfort and balance": each of them is practical and thought out to the smallest detail: the shape, size, length and even the texture of the belts. Everything to ensure comfort when used in everyday life.

If your element of equilibrium implies minimalism, compactness and freedom of hands - for you a new medium size backpack - LOKI.

Model TINI - allows you to carry everything you need. Choose it, if your comfort and balance - in the rejection of excess daily load.

WON is another bag that complements the family of round models of our brand. Created, like the previous ones, for those whose comfort is in streamlining and rejection of corners.

And the most unusual model of the collection is the BOBBY cylinder, the shape beloved by designers of the west, now in our author's performance. For those who find their balance in uniqueness and new trends.

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